Bjori, skutecznie zastępujesz Bukorla. Nie potrafiłbyś nic nie robić w sytuacji małej aktywności? Właśnie to robisz. Każdy może zorganizować turniej, o czym wiesz. As to zrobił, Ty nie.
D.dark, effectively you are replacing Bukorla. You could not do nothing in a situation of low activity? This is what you are doing. Anyone can organize a tournament, as you know. As he did, you don't.
Bjori, effectively replacing Bukorla. You could not do nothing in a situation of low activity? That's what you do. Anyone can organize a tournament, as you know. As he did, you do not.
bjori, effectively replacing bukorla. you couldn"t do nothing in the situation of low activity. you"re doing it. anyone can organize the tournament, you know. as it did, didn"t you?