Wyczerpałeś limit zamówień na połączenie na koszt odbiorcy. Jednocześnie możesz zamówić nie więcej niż dwie takie rozmowy. Kolejne zlecenie złożysz, gdy co najmniej jedno z wcześniejszych zostanie zrealizowane lub zamknięte.
You limit orders to connect at the expense of the customer. At the same time, you can order not more than two such calls. Following the order bid, when at least one of the earlier will be completed or closed.
You have exceeded the limit orders on the connection at the expense of the recipient. At the same time, you can order no more than two such calls. The next order you place, if at least one of the earlier will be completed or closed.
Wyczerpałeś order limit to the connection at the candidateâ s expense. While you can order not more than two such conversations. Further, as long as you order when at least one of the past will be implemented or closed.