Mnie to nie obchodzi, że to jest jego nick, czy to będzie "grzegżułka", czy "zemby", czy "żułw", czy 'Cześć, mam taki nick dlatego że tak" ( chodzi o przecinek ) będę go wyzywał lub upominał, bo nie dość, że ludzie będą go traktować przyjemniej, to się może czegoś nauczy.
Ile mam lat? 14. od niedawna! I co? Nie chodzi mi o dyskryminacje, bo nie obchodzi mnie jego wiek, tylko osoba, która popełnia takie błędy będzie traktowana jak dziecko, lub idiota, będą go wyzywać etc.
I don't care that it is his nickname, whether it be "grzegżułka", or "zemby", or "żułw", or Hello, I have a nickname because it so "(comma) I challenged him or admonished, because not enough that people will think of nicer, it maybe something to teach. How long do I have? 14. the recently! And what? I do not mean discrimination, because I don't care his age, only the person who commits such errors will be treated like a child, or an idiot, will it challenge etc.
I do not care that this is his nickname, whether it be "grzegżułka" or "zemby" or "żułw 'or' Hey, I have this nickname because yes" (it comes with a comma) I will go challenged or admonished, because not enough that people will treat him better, it might learn something.
How old I am? 14 recently! what? I'm not talking about discrimination, I do not care about his age, only the person who commits such errors will be treated like a child, or an idiot, it will challenge etc.
i don"t care that it"s his nick, is that it"s "grzegżułka" or "teeth", "or" żułw "or" hey, i have a nick because he "(the comma) will challenge or complain, because not enough that people will treat him better, it can old am i? 14. recently! and what? it"s not about restrictions, because i don"t care about his age, only a person who commits such errors will be treated like a child, or an idiot, calling him names etc.