Wywiad mi się bardzo podobał, głównie z powodu występu prowadzącego. Nie wiem czy to tylko moje wrażenie, ale to drugi stage 6 z udziałem Ybnna i Grzanego i drugi raz Ybnn udowadnia jakie luki w rozumowaniu ma Grzany.
Interview I really liked, mostly because of performance. I do not know if this is just my impression, but the second stage 6 with the participation of Ybnna and Mulled and once Ybnn proves what gaps in the reasoning is Heated.
Interview I really liked, mainly because of the guide projection. I do not know if it's just me, but the second stage 6 with the participation of Ybnna and Mulled and once Ybnn proves that the gap in reasoning is Heated.
interview i liked, due mainly to the performance operator. i don"t know if it"s just my impression, but this second stage 6 in ybnna and heated and the second time ybnn shows gaps in reasoning is heated.