1. Scope of work, which may be entrusted to the subcontractors (including the name
(company) sub-contractors, on the resources which the contractor has established on the principles
referred to in Article 26 (2b), public procurement law has been referred to in the tender
artist, acting as a n d i no 2 to the Agreement, subject to the provisions of section IX
"subcontracting" part AND SIWZ.With regard to boundaries resulting from sentence
first,6 subcontractor shall have the right to employ further sub-contractors.
2. The contractor, subcontractor or subcontractor wishing to conclude an agreement on further
subcontracting in the execution of the contract, which is subject to execution
works in the sense of public procurement law (in particular the
Formal Documentation, Technical Documentation, bus station) is required to submit a contractor
project this agreement, the contractor or subcontractor shall include further
agreement contractor on the conclusion of the Agreement for
subcontracting, the content of which is in conformity with the design.
3. The conclusion by the contractor, subcontractor or subcontractor agreement on further
subcontracting,Which object the execution of works within the meaning
public procurement law (in particular as well as the Documentation formal,
Technical Documentation, bus station) approval is required, and the words
of the consent is a necessary condition for the
any operations by the subcontractor. A necessary condition (but not
Sufficient for expression of the consent by the contracting entity (this is for undeclared
objections, as referred to in paragraph 4 below, or for failure to object, of which
referred to in paragraph 7 below) is a positive opinion contract engineer.
subject to the rights and obligations of the Parties under Article 6471 civil code
and the public procurement law,And subject to the other terms,
of contract, the contractor shall be required to obtain the consent and obtain consent
entity, referred to above, the following deadlines:
1) to 60 days from the day of conclusion of the contract: