Uroczystość ta
zebrała liczną grupę na
szych współbraci i
parafian, którzy w
dzień modlili się z
nami. Podczas cere
monii święceń kandydaci, wywoływani
imiennie, podchodzili do
potwierdzali chęć przyjęcia święceń,
przyrzekali szacunek i
oraz przyjmowali księgę Pisma Świętego.
Niezwykle wymownym znakiem pokory
i zawierzenia Chrystusowi była Litania
do Wszystkich Świętych, w
czasie której
kandydaci, leżąc krzyżem, prosili o
wsta -
wiennictwo tych, którzy osiągnęli już
chwałę Nieba.
This celebration has put together a large group on-these fellows and parishioners, who in This day to pray with us. During cere-monii ordination candidates, used by name, came to the Archbishop, confirm your willingness to accept orders, przyrzekali and obedience to and accept the book of Scripture. An extremely eloquent sign of humility and trust in Christ was a litany to all the Saints, during which candidates, lying cross, asked patch-wiennictwo those who have already reached the glory of Heaven.

The ceremony
gathered a large group at
senior confreres and
parishioners, who in
day to pray with
us. During the complexion
monii ordination candidates hailed
by name, approached
the archbishop,
confirmed a willingness to accept orders,
pledged to respect and
and took the book of the Bible.
Extremely eloquent sign of humility
and entrusting Christ was the Litany
of the Saints, in
during which
the candidates, lying prostrate, they asked for a
rose -
wiennictwo those who have already achieved
the glory of Heaven.