Directive 2004/18/EC, Section I: The contracting authority
1.1)Name, addresses and contact points
Metro Warsaw Sp. z o.o. ul. Hungry like down 5
point of contact: The contact person for Public Procurement: Edyta Soćko 02-798 Warszawa POLAND
Tel. : 48 226554676 E-mail: Fax: 48 226433997 web address:
a General address of the contracting authority:
For more information, please visit: The above( -e) point(s) of contact(s)
specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialog and dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained at: the above( -e) point(s) of contact(s) offer or requests to participate must be sent to the following address:The above( -e) point(s) of contact(s)
1.2) Type of the contracting authority a body governed by public law
1.3)main object or objects of
General public services
1.4)to award the contract on behalf of other contracting authorities
the contracting authority makes the purchase on behalf of other contracting authorities: yes
Capital City of Warsaw
pl. Bank 3/5
00-950 Warszawa
Section II: Object of the contract