O firmie
Nasz sklep internetowy jest stworzony dla Twojej wygody.
Powstał w wyniku dynamicznie rosnącej popularności zakupów dokonywanych przez Internet.
Postanowiliśmy wyjść naprzeciw tym, którzy cenią sobie pieniądze, swój czas oraz wygodę robienia zakupów .
Dbając o najwyższą jakość obsługi łączymy wiedzę o oferowanych oponach ze staraniami o maksymalne skrócenie czasu dostawy.
Współpracujemy wyłącznie z uznanymi producentami i autoryzowanymi dystrybutorami w całym kraju, dzięki czemu możemy zaoferować Państwu towar po najniższych cenach.
Zapraszamy do udanych zakupów.
Dlaczego my :
Naszym klientom zapewniamy :
Rzetelność obsługi,,
Szybkość dostawy,
Comiesięczne promocje,
Niskie ceny,
Ogromny i różnorodny wybór opon,
Gwarancję jakości,
Markowe produkty,
Niskie koszty wysyłki,
Dostawa na wskazany adres,
Do każdego zakupu Paragon lub Faktura VAT.
About the companyOur online store is designed for your convenience.Was the result of a dynamically growing popularity of purchases over the Internet.We decided to get to grips with those who appreciate money, your time and convenience shopping.Ensuring the highest quality service we combine knowledge of tire offered from pursuing the maximum shortening the delivery time.We work exclusively with renowned manufacturers and authorized dealers around the country, so we can offer you goods at the lowest prices.Welcome to shopping. Why us:We provide our clients with: Integrity, service,The speed of delivery,Monthly promotionsLow prices,A huge and diverse range of tyresA guarantee of quality,Branded productsLow shipping costs,Delivery address,For each purchase receipt or Invoice.

About us Our online store is designed for your comfort. It was created as a result of rapidly growing popularity of purchases made over the Internet. We decided to meet for those who appreciate money, their time and convenient shopping experience. Taking care of the highest quality of service we combine the knowledge about our tires with efforts to shorten the time of delivery. We only work with renowned manufacturers and authorized distributors throughout the country, so we can offer you the goods at the lowest prices. We invite you to enjoy shopping. Why us: We provide our customers: Reliability of service ,, speed of delivery, monthly promotions , Low prices, huge and diverse choice of tires, guarantee quality, branded products, low shipping costs, delivery to the specified address, for each purchase receipt or an invoice.

about the company
our web store is designed for your convenience.
is a result of the rapidly growing popularity of purchases over the internet.
we decided to respond to those who value money, your time and convenience shopping.
ensuring quality service we offered to knowledge of tyre of maximum shortening delivery.
we are working only with recognised manufacturers and authorized distributors throughout the country, so that we can offer you goods at the lowest prices.
welcome to successful purchases.
our customers: why we provide:
the reliability of service, delivery speed,
monthly promotions, low prices, a huge and diverse choice of tyres
branded products, quality assurance, low costs of
delivery address,
to each purchase receipt or invoice for vat.