Nancy mysle ze gdybys tu byla to wierze ze bylibyscie razem w on i emi jego coreczka zawsze beda rodzina a wazniwjsze zeby on byl szczesliwy Mi zawsze mozesz napisac wszystko ja chetnie wyslucham Jakie rzeczy??? Wyslalad cos dla oliwki???
Nancy, I think if there was a faith with bylibyscie together he and emi his family will always coreczka and wazniwjsze that he was happyMe you can always write everything I wyslucham happyWhat things? Wyslalad something for olives?
nancy, i think if you were here that i believe you be together he and his coreczka emi are always family and wazniwjsze he was happy me you can always write everything i i for what things? ?? wyslalad something for olives? ??