Wczoraj wszystkie media poinformowały, że zmarł Józef Oleksy, który przegrał walkę z rakiem. Zaraz po tej informacji poinformowano, że kandydatką SLD w tegorocznych wyborach prezydenckich będzie… dziennikarka TVN24 Biznes i Świat, Magdalena Ogórek.
Kim jest Ogórek? Ma 36 lat, jest doktorem nauk humanistycznych, jej specjalność to historia Kościoła. Często pojawia się w roli ekspertki w Dzień Dobry TVN, a w TVN Biznes i Świat współprowadziła program Świat. Była szefową gabinetu dawnego lidera SLD Grzegorza Napieralskiego. Przez ostatnie dwa lata pracowała jako konsultant w Narodowym Banku Polskim.
Ogórek przedstawił jako kandydatkę Leszek Miller, który podczas konferencji prasowej nie dopuścił Magdaleny do głosu.
Magdalena Ogórek jest symbolem odrodzenia zmiany pokoleniowej, symbolem otwarcia na młode europejskie pokolenie, jest symbolem zgody narodowej. Nie jest przedstawicielem żadnej partii politycznej, jest bezpartyjna. Została dzisiaj rekomendowana na prezydenta RP. Pani Magdalena Ogórek jest doktorem nauk humanistycznych, pracowała w kancelarii prezydenta Kwaśniewskiego, pracowała w mojej kancelarii, w MSWiA, była ekspertką klubu SLD. Ma wszystkie niezbędne kompetencje, by sprawować urząd prezydenta RP. – zachwalał Miller
Będziecie głosować na młodą kandydatkę?
Yesterday all the media reported that he died Joseph Oleksy, who lost his battle with cancer. Immediately after this info it is reported that the SLD candidate at this year's presidential election will be ... journalist TVN24 Business and the world, Magdalena cucumber.What is a Cucumber? Is 36 years old, is a doctor of Humanities, her specialty is the history of the Church. Often appears in the role of experts in Dzień Dobry TVN, TVN and the Business and the world współprowadziła the world program. She was head of the Cabinet of the former leader of the SLD Grzegorz Napieralskiego. For the last two years she has worked as a consultant at the National Bank of Poland.Cucumber presented as candidate Leszek Miller, who during a press conference not Magdalene to the fore.Magdalena Cucumber is a symbol of the rebirth of generational change, a symbol of the opening of the young European generation, is a symbol of national consent. Is not a representative of any political party, is nonpartisan. Today has been recommended to the President of the REPUBLIC OF POLAND. Mrs. Magdalena cucumber is doctor of Sciences, she worked in the Office of the President, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, she worked in my Office, in the Ministry of Interior, was an expert motorcycle rider SLD Club has all the necessary powers to exercise the Office of President of the Republic of Poland. -praised MillerYou vote for a candidate?
Yesterday, all the media informed that he died Jozef Oleksy, who lost battle with cancer. Immediately after this information was informed that a candidate SLD in this year's presidential elections will be ... journalist TVN24 business and the world, Magdalena cucumber.
who is cucumber? Is 36 years old, is a doctor of humanities, its specialty is the story of church.Often appears in ekspertki role in good day TVN, TVN and in business and World współprowadziła program world. Was head of cabinet of former leader SLD Grzegorz Napieralskiego. For the last two years she has worked as a consultant for the National Bank of Poland.
Cucumber, as denoted as Leszek Miller, who presented during a press conference has not committed to voting by Magdalena.
Magdalena cucumber is the symbol of generational change, the symbol is open to young European generation, national symbol. It is not representative of any political party, it is because she was not. Today was recommended to president of the Republic of Poland. Ms. Magdalena cucumber has a doctorate in the humanities, she has worked in the Chancellery of the president Kwaå niewski,She has worked in my office, in the Ministry of Interior, club was neither an expert in SLD. Has all the necessary powers to exercise the authority of the President of the Republic. - Zachwalał Miller
you will vote for young nominated?