Minimum Requirement
• It shall be possible to control the remote load control devices connected to the meter from the utility.
"Demand Response
Load curtailment and load control"
"The consumer may be provided with one or more Appliance Control Devices (ACD’s) which are separate from, but which are controlled by, the AMI meter. These ACD’s will typically be connected in series with non-essential loads such as water heaters, swimming pool pumps, underfloor heating and the like. The AMI meter will have the capability to operate the ACD’s according to a programmed switching pattern. For consumers on Time-of-Use tariffs, this switching pattern will exercise control over non-essential appliances so as to minimize energy consumption in peak demand periods, thereby also minimizing energy costs. In turn, this will assist the utility by shifting demand out of peak periods.
In addition, through communication between the Master Station and the AMI meter, the AMI will have the ability to override the meter’s switching pattern and disconnect non-critical loads so as to quickly reduce loading in times of grid stress."
The AMI System shall be able to send individual, group, or general commands to operate the ACDs so as to achieve a “best effort” demand reduction. (loosely speaking, this is the equivalent of a ripple-control system).
1.1.10 It shall be possible for the consumer to override scheduled demand-limiting operation only if the utility has allowed it (Consumer override enable flag set).
1.1.12 Emergency load-shedding: Under emergency conditions (i.e. in times of severe grid stress), this “load switch” will allow the utility to shed consumer load rapidly and completely, whilst still maintaining supply to critical consumer connections such as hospitals, traffic lights, communications systems and emergency infrastructure.
3.24.1. The system shall automatically estimate the total load under AMI control to within 10% of actual.
3.24.2. The system should automatically estimate the load available for load limiting (“megawatts”) for a specified group of consumers, at a proposed demand level.
3.24.3. The estimation shall be continuously refreshed in the background.
3.24.4. The estimation shall be refreshed every 10 minutes or quicker.
1.1.14 The AMI backend System shall be capable of functioning in an automated manner, such that, if the power demanded by a specified group of consumers exceeds a prescribed maximum value, the system will automatically initiate demand-limiting operation. Once in automatic demand-limiting operation, the system will automatically adjust the demand limits so as to maintain the set value.
3. 26.2 In the event that communication to the load control device is lost during a load limiting period, the system shall restore power within a fixed settable time with the end time randomized.
3. 26.3 The system shall not initialize any further load shed events until communication is restored for a minimum period of at least 15 minutes.
3. 26.4 The possibility to choose the option of ending at the finish of the current load curtailment period or the time set whichever is shorter shall be made available. ACD and demand-limit schedules Tariff updates and changes
"3. 36.6 Load Control - Solution should allow effective load management that provides the ability to remotely disconnect or reconnect a customer’s load by use of different type of relays. The basic 80/100A relay allows remote, local (by a function of the meter, e.g. limiter) and manual (by push button) types of control. The remote control can be carried out by address command for a meter and by group command for a group of meters.
The auxilliary relays (one of 5A or two of 2.5 A) permit disconnection/ reconnection of consumer’s power load from/to supply line via an external contactor in accordance with the specified schedule or directly from the Master Station."