Op?tovn? Reklam?cia! Kl?vesnica sa odp?ja z usb portu po nej resetuje sie, zakloca dzialanie pozostalych podlaczonych spr TOWAR WR?CI? Z AB SA, DYSTRYBUTOR ABC DATA.
Op? tovn? Ads?! KL? vesnica sa re? I from the usb port after the fullResets the zakloca to the operation of the other connected sprITEM WR? You? AB SA, A DISTRIBUTOR OF ABC.
Op? Tovn? Ads for! Kl? Vesnice are tide me with usb port after tion resets, interferes with the other connected spring GOODS WR? CI? With AB SA, ABC DATA DISTRIBUTOR.
op? tovn? advertising? the cla! kl? vesnica sa rip? i with usb port after changingthey"re upsetting the resetting, the podlaczonych sprthe wr? you? with ab sa, distributor abc date.