Jeśli chodzi o te rzeczy, mające poprawić aktywność, a także ogólnie poprawić stronę, których cały czas od nas wymagacie to proszę bardzo:
- Reklama strony (tak wiem, że dla was to przecież rzecz niemożliwa), sposobów jest wiele, od wysranego spamu "" na jakiejś popularnej stronie, grupie, przez reklamę u youtuber'a (i nie wyjeżdżajcie mi, że to nic nie daje, przy tej reklamie u Fuzionka zarejestrowało się 20 użytkowników, 4 się zapisało do turnieju), po używanie usebarów na forach, stronach.
- Otwarcie się na graczy z zagranicy, jak np. LF-Empire,
- Pisanie angielskiej wersji newsów przed polską, tłumaczenie,
- Tłumaczenie strony.
Te punkty połączone z reklamą na lfempire, można poprosić Blue Phoenixa o napisaniu newsa o nas i tym, że teraz nasza strona jest otwarta na zagranicę.
When it comes to these things, to improve the activity, and generally improve the page where all the time do you require from us to please:-Page advertisement (Yes I know that for you, after all, to impossible), the ways are many, from wysranego spam "" on a popular website, the group, by advertising on youtuber'a (and do not forget me, it's nothing, this ad on Fuzionka registered 20 users, 4 to have registered for the tournament), when using the usebarów on the forums, websites.-Open to players from abroad, such as. LF-Empire,-Writing of the English language version of the news before the Polish, translation, -Translation of the page.These points combined with advertising on lfempire, you can ask the Blue Phoenix of writing news about us and that now our site is open to abroad.

When it comes to these things, to improve the activity, and generally improve the site, which constantly requires us to go ahead:
- Advertising pages (yes I know that for you this yet for the impossible), it is easy, from wysranego spam " "on any popular website, the group, by advertising in youtuber'a (and do not leave me, it does not help, take this advertisement in Fuzionka registered 20 users, 4 signed up for the tournament), the use usebarów on forums, websites.
- Opening up to foreign players as such. LF-Empire,
- Writing of the English version of the news before Polish, translation,
- translation of the page.
These points combined with advertising on lfempire, you can ask Blue Phoenix about writing a story about us and that now our site is open to abroad.

if this is about those things, to improve the activity, and generally improve the way, which all the time from us in need of it, please.- advertising part (yes i know that for you it"s the impossible), there are many ways, from wysranego spam "" on some popular side group, by advertising in youtuber"s (and don"t leave me, i don"t give, this advertising in fuzionka registered 20 users, 4 are stored tournament), after using usebarów forums, websites.- open to players from abroad, such as. if - the empire.- writing english news from poland, translation- the translation part.these points combined with advertising on lfempire, ask blue phoenix about writing a report about us and that our party is open to abroad.