Gdybyście zapytali mnie, „bratanka" pochodzącego z Budapesztu, o tajemnicę prawdziwego szczęścia, powiedziałbym, że jest nią zjednoczenie z Bogiem. Kojarzy się to raczej z ideałem zarezerwowanym tylko dla świętych
If you asked me, "nephew" from Budapest, about the secret of true happiness, I would say that it is the Union with God. Rather, it is associated with the ideal reserved only for Saints
If you ask me, "nephew" coming from Budapest, about the secret of true happiness, I would say that it is union with God. It is associated rather with the ideal reserved for the saints
if you ask me, „bratanka "originating from budapest, the secret of true happiness, i"d say that"s her reunion with god. a rather reserved only for the saints with perfect