when a servicemoto - gum is located in łęknie at ul. fund 4. łękno is a small town south of knowing, 20 minutes drive from the roundabout rataje, say wednesday wielkopolska. right next to łękna is different, larger city - zaniemyśl. the company is since 2004, but its owners are in the industry since the 1990s. - vice president darius duck since 1991, president of the sławomir kochański since 1995. have over 50%. shares in the tire moto - gum sp. z o.o. core business is in the name, but moto - gum is also known as the tyre service. with the use of motorcycles, and soon the two services. beyond the point at łęknie, at headquarters, soon will open the second, in poznan - to eight positions, with a storage space for 5 - 6, 000 pieces. moto - gum employs 40 people, with seven directly in the.