Ok, jednak mimo wszystko chyba nie powiesz, że praca administracji przez ostatnie 2 miesiące była dobra.
Rozumiem, że administrator też człowiek, szanuję to, ale kiedy 5 osób, których głównym zadaniem jest zajmowanie się stroną (jeśli to nie nie jest jego główne zadanie to w takim razie co?) nie jest w stanie napisać chociaż JEDNEGO newsa, zorganizować chociaż JEDNEGO turnieju, zaktualizować JEDNEGO rankingu to chyba nie powiesz mi, że wszystko gra i niska aktywność to tylko i wyłącznie przez wakacje.
Tak, wiem, że użytkownik też może napisać newsa, też może zorganizować turniej, ale to nie jest zadanie użytkowników. Użytkownik MOŻE to zrobić, ale to zadanie administratora, żeby choć trochę angażował się w stronę.
OK, but after all I do not think you will say that the work of the Administration for the last 2 months has been good. I understand that an administrator a person, I respect it, but when 5 people, whose main task is to deal with the site (if it is not is not its main task in that case what?) is not able to write at least one news, organize at least one tournament, update ONE ranking is probably not tell me that all the game and low activity only and exclusively by the holidays.Yes, I know that you too can write news, also can organize a tournament, but it is not the task of the users. You CAN do this, but it is the task of the administrator that a little, he was active in the page.
Ok, but after all, I do not think you say that the work of the administration over the past two months was good.
I understand that the administrator or person, I respect it, but when five people whose main task is to deal with the side (if there is not a main priority in that case what?) is not able to write even ONE news, organize even one tournament update ONE ranking is probably not going to tell me that everything is fine and low activity is only for the holiday.
Yes, I know that you too can write news, also can organize a tournament, but it is not the task of the users. You CAN do it, but it is the task of the administrator that a little bit involved in the party.
ok, despite everything, however, i know that the work of the last two months was good.i understand that the administrator also man, i respect that, but when five people, whose main job is dealing with the party (if it is not his main task, then what?) is not able to write at least one news, organize at least one update one ranking tournament, i don"t think this is tell me that everything"s and low activity is only for the summer.yes, i know that the user can write news, also can arrange the tournament, but it is not the task of the user. the user can do this, but this task administrator to remotely engage in side.