- 5 letnie doświadczenie i wiedza na temat branży oponiarskiej
- Opiekun produktu: m.in. felg aluminiowych Alcar, ATT, OZ,SPARCO,
stalowych oraz zabezpieczeń McGard, Lok Nox (przygotowywanie ofert dla
Klientów, analiza stanów magazynowych i ich uzupełnianie, zamówienia
grupowe oraz indywidualne pod Klienta)
- przyjmowanie i potwierdzanie zamówień składnych w systemie przez Klienta
hurtowego oraz detalicznego (b2b, b2c)
- sprawdzanie i modyfikowanie zamówień
- wystawianie dokumentów zakupu (faktury, paragony)
- organizacja wysyłki towaru i jej monitorowanie w firmach spedycyjnych
- przygotowywanie tras oraz dokumentacji do dostaw towarów zgodnie z ich
przebiegiem oraz przygotowywanie dokumentacji dla magazynu firmy
- rozliczanie Kierowców z dostaw towarów i otrzymanych należności oraz z
pobranych kluczy oraz dokumentów z samochodów służbowych
- wyjaśnianie niezgodności w wystawionych dokumentach
- sprawdzanie kondycji finansowej klientów
- sporządzanie analiz handlowych
-5 years experience and knowledge of the tyre industry-Guardian of the product: m.in. Alcar alloy wheel, ATT, OZ, SPARCO,McGard security steel, Lok Nox (preparing tenders forCustomers, inventory analysis and their completion, ordersGroup and individual client)-accepting and confirming orders składnych in the system by the customerretail and wholesale (b2b, b2c)-check and modify orders-the issue of purchase documents (invoices, receipts)-Organization of shipping and forwarding companies monitoring-preparation and documentation for the supply of goods in accordance with theirthe course and the preparation of documentation for the company's magazine-clearance of drivers from the supply of goods and claims received and thetaken the keys and documents from company cars-clarification of discrepancies in the documents issued-check the financial health of customers-the preparation of trade analyses

- 5 years of experience and knowledge of the tire industry
- Guardian product including aluminum rims Alcar, ATT, OZ SPARCO,
steel and collateral McGard, Lok Nox (preparing offers for
customers, analyze inventory and replenishment, order
group and individual under the Client)
- receiving and confirming orders składnych in the system by the customer
of wholesale and retail (B2B, B2C)
- checking and modifying orders
- issuing purchase documents (invoices, receipts)
- the organization of shipment and its monitoring forwarding companies
- preparation routes, and documentation for the supply of goods in accordance with their
conduct and preparation of documentation for the magazine business
- accounting for Drivers the supply of goods or received receivables and
collected the keys and documents of official cars
- to explain the discrepancies in the documents issued
- checking the financial condition of customers
- preparing trade analyzes

- 5 years experience and knowledge of the industry oponiarskiej
- guardian product: inter alia. aluminium rims alcar, att, oz, sparco,
steel and security mcgard, lok nox (preparing tenders for
customers, analysis of stocks and their replenishment, group and individual under contract
- customer) acceptance and endorsement contracts składnych system by the customer.wholesale and retail (b2b, b2c)
- checking and modifying contracts
- displaying documents (invoices, purchase receipts)
- organisation of consignment and its monitoring in freight forwarding companies
- preparing routes and documentation to the supply of goods in accordance with their
mileage and preparing documentation for the company.- clearing drivers from the supply of goods and claims received and taken the keys and documents with
- explaining inconsistencies in official cars issued documents
- checking financial condition to make analyses of commercial customers