the company's new sales top tyre retreaded tyres, and used more than 200 different tyre sizes.
to acquire from the hand. we have the most attractive offer price of tyres in the neighborhood.
just in a selection of used tyres and new with older dates of production. we sell tires to oldtimerów, vintage car.
in our offer, we have rims, steel and aluminium (new and used).
regenerujemy rims steel and aluminum. piaskujemy rims, steel structures, etc.
recently works auto maintenance. trade in oils, blocks, discs and other minor defects. consultation with a mechanic - free.
for three years, we are one of the social network, "premio"so attractive prices of such brands as:
michelin goodyear dunlop fulda
you can find dębica kleber sava tires each brand in us, and we each to a diameter of 24 inches. when purchasing tyres are quantities also lower prices, also welcome you to cooperation, trucking companies, etc.
we cooperation with the wholesalers! !!
if you have additional questions or would you like dopytać about details of our offer, please contact us: tel: (33) 484 - 19 - 07; (48) 798 - 162 - 960