Dobry dzień dla Ciebie! Mogę wiedzieć, czy przyjdziesz na 2016 r. shanghai opony expo we wrześniu? Jeśli możesz następnie pls daj mi znać, szczerze chcemy widzieć i mieć krótkie spotkanie z Tobą tam.
Good day to you!Can I know whether you come for 2016 shanghai tire expo in September? If you can then pls let me know, sincerely we want to see and have a brief encounter with you there.
Good day to you! May I know if you will come in 2016. Shanghai tire expo in September? If you then pls let me know, I honestly want to see and have a short meeting with you there.
a good day for you!can i know whether you come for the 2016 shanghai tyre expo in september.if you can then pls let me know, i want to see and have a short meeting with you there.