Proces Fischera - Tropscha Wytwarzanie paliw silnikowych metodą Fischera-Tropscha z gazu, zawierającego mieszaninę tlenku węgla i wodoru na katalizatorach kobaltowych oraz żelazowych przebiega według reakcji:
The process of Manufacturing Tropscha-Fischer motor fuels by Fischer-Tropscha with gas, containing a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen on nickel catalyst candidates for ferric and runs according to the reaction:
The Fischer - Tropsch production of motor fuels by the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis gas comprising a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen on cobalt and iron catalysts proceeds according to the reaction:
The Fischer - Tropscha Manufacture of motor fuels by fischer-tropsch gas mixture, containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen in catalytic converters and cobalt of ferrous runs according to response: