Maksymalny koszt polaczenia do 13.59zl/min za polaczenia lokalne, do 23.64zl/min poza kraj, w ktorym przebywasz, 5.89zl/min za odebrane i 0.96zl/SMS wyslany
The maximum cost of connection to 13.59 USD/min for local connections, to 23.64 USD/min outside the country in which you reside, 5.89 USD/min for received and 0.96 zl/SMS sent
The maximum cost of connection to 13.59zl / min for local calls to 23.64zl / min from the country in which you are staying, 5.89zl / min for and received 0.96zl / SMS sent
the maximum cost of junctions to 13.59zl / min for the connection, the local, to 23.64zl / min outside the country in which you are 5.89zl / min for received and 0.96zl / sms sent